Runner config

Runner config

The configure method configures the test runner within the bin/test.js file. The method accepts an object of configuration values.

import { assert } from '@japa/assert'
import { configure } from '@japa/runner'
files: ['tests/**/*.spec.js'],
timeout: 2000,

Following is the list of available properties.

files: ['tests/**/*.spec.js'],
suites: [{
name: 'unit',
files: ['tests/unit/**/*.spec.js'],
configure: () => {},
plugins: [assert()],
reporters: {
activated: [],
list: []
filters: {
tests: [],
tags: [],
groups: [],
files: [],
timeout: 2000,
forceExit: false,
importer: (filePath) => import(filePath),
refiner: new Refiner({})


The files property can be an array of glob patterns or a function that returns an array of files to import.

Under the hood, Japa uses the fast-glob package. So feel free to reference their documentation.

files: ['tests/**/*.spec.js', '!tests/unit/some-test-file.js']

You can also implement a custom function to collect test files. The function must return an array of absolute file paths.

files: () => {
return []

suites (optional)

You can register multiple test suites inside the suites array. Each suite is represented as an object with the following properties

  • The name property represents the unique name for the suite.
  • The files property can be an array of glob patterns or a function that returns an array of files.
  • The optional configure method can configure the suite instance.

See also: Test suites

suites: [
name: 'unit',
files: ['tests/unit/**/*.spec.js'],
configure: (suite) => {
// configure suite

exclude (optional)

Define an array of glob patterns to exclude when scanning for test files or suite files. By default, we ignore files from node_modules, .git, and the coverage directories. However, you may define custom glob patterns as well.

files: '**/*.spec.js',
exclude: [

plugins (optional)

The plugins property allows you to register multiple plugins.

See also: Creating Japa plugins

plugins: [
// Or an inline function
plugins: [
async function (config, runner, { Test, TestContext, Group }) {

reporters (optional)

The reporters property allows you to register multiple reporters and activate some of them. You can also activate/switch between reporters using the --reporters CLI flag.

See also: Test reporters

reporters: [
// Or an inline function
reporters: [
function (runner, emitter) {

filters (optional)

The filters property accepts an object of different filtering layers to cherry-pick and run specific tests.

Usually, you will be using the CLI flags to compute the filters. However, you can also set them programmatically within the config object.

See also: Filtering tests

filters: {
tests: [], // by tests title
tags: [], // by tags
groups: [], // by group titles
files: [], // import only mentioned files

timeout (optional)

Define the timeout for all the tests. A test will be marked as failed, if it does not complete within the configured time.

You can also define the global timeout using the --timeout CLI flag.

You can configure the timeout for individual tests as well. The test timeout has precedence over the global timeout.

timeout: 2000
// Set value to zero to disable timeout
timeout: 0

forceExit (optional)

The test runner waits for the process to exit gracefully. If your application makes any long-lived connections with a database or starts an HTTP server, you must close it after the tests, or the process will not exit.

We recommend you gracefully close all open connections. However, you can force the test runner to exit forcefully after finishing tests.

You can also enable this property using --force-exit CLI flag.

forceExit: true

importer (optional)

Japa imports the test files using the Node.js dynamic import function. However, if required, you can also supply a custom function to import test files.

importer: (filePath) => import(filePath)

refiner (optional)

The refiner object applies the filters and cherry-picks tests for execution. The default implementation relies on the Refiner class. However, you can also supply your refiner to customize the filter's logic.

refiner: {
filters: {},
pinnedTests: new Set(),
add(layer, values) {
pinTest(test) {
allows(testOrGroup) {
return true

The refiner object must implement the following methods.

  • The add method accepts filters for a given layer. The layer can be test, tags, or groups. The value is always an array of strings.
  • The pinTest method receives the test to pin.
  • The allows receives an instance of the group or a test and must return a boolean.
    • true means run the test or group.
    • false means skip the test or group.